Sankey Visualization
By Google
Sankey diagrams describe the flow of certain quantities through a system, with the width of a particular arrow being proportional to the magnitude of the flow.
Sankey diagrams describe the flow of certain quantities through a system, with the width of a particular arrow being proportional to the magnitude of the flow.

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Sankey diagrams represent the movement of data from one entity to another. The width of the arrows are proportional to the weight, or quantity, of the flow.
Sankey diagrams are particularly effective for analyzing web traffic, cash flows, and energy system analysis, and other movements of information over time. This article provides a great example of a Sankey to display international energy usage flows.
The example below depicts all purchases from customers of an e-commerce store partitioned by a number of demographics: month, state, and gender. Isolate specific flows within this diagram by hovering your mouse over certain flows.
This diagram requires at least 2 dimensions and 1 measure.