Braintree Payments
The Braintree Block by Looker helps you better understand your business’ transaction data. By analyzing how, when, and where your transactions and subscriptions occur, this Block will help you streamline your payment operations strategy by providing analyses that:
- Track recent business activity with the Overview dashboard
- Compare your customer usage of various tender types
- Use the Transactions dashboard to quantify when your transactions occur
- Find out how your customers make transactions by comparing customer segments on the Transactions dashboard
- Use the Dispute, Declines, and At Risk Payments dashboards to monitor disputes, track fraudulent activity, and set up custom alerts that notify you of crucial action items.
As with other Looker Blocks, you can easily customize the data model to fit your business needs. Use the Transactions Explore to tailor the included transaction dashboards to fit your reporting metrics on monthly goals, engagement, and performance. Use the Dispute, Declines, and At Risk Payments dashboards to customize trigger events that warn of expiring subscription cards, increased fraud activity, or disputes in need of response.
Braintree is a service of Paypal, Inc. and develops tools to accept and process cards in a single, modern integration. Braintree also provides industry-leading tools to help prevent fraudulent transactions, manage data security, and streamline operations.