Business Pulse by Quantum Metric
By Quantum Metric
The Business Pulse Dashboard delivers smarter analytics by consolidating information from multiple other systems: aligning teams, identifying customer frustrations and uncovering lost revenue. The information on this dashboard displays business and revenue data with the added context of behavioral indicators and performance metrics.
The Business Pulse Dashboard delivers smarter analytics by consolidating information from multiple other systems: aligning teams, identifying customer frustrations and uncovering lost revenue. The information on this dashboard displays business and revenue data with the added context of behavioral indicators and performance metrics.
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This is not an officially supported Google product.
Give multiple departments across your organization access to one version of the truth, built from the customer’s perspective. This block allows you to immediately identify errors and pages that are impacting revenue, alongside events and user journeys that are adding value to your business. It showcases a range of customer behaviors from the device they are using, to the referrer category they have come through and the pages they are visiting. Alongside the standard dashboard information you would expect, around number of sessions, users, transaction values, total sales to date, conversions rates and bounce rates, Quantum Metric’s Business Pulse Dashboard also shows:
- Conversion funnel and value - see the value of each conversion by referral channel and the individual pages that lead to sales
- Revenue and session trends - a snapshot overview of sessions v revenue
- Top event and error occurrences - know the key events and errors that impact a session
- Engagements and errors by page - identify which pages are prohibiting conversions and which are adding value