Firebase Analytics for Google BigQuery
By Google
Firebase is a powerful platform from Google that allows companies to build web and mobile applications quickly with no server-side programming. Loading your Firebase data into BigQuery allows you to analyze your data with Looker and provide deep insight on app usage.
Firebase is a powerful platform from Google that allows companies to build web and mobile applications quickly with no server-side programming. Loading your Firebase data into BigQuery allows you to analyze your data with Looker and provide deep insight on app usage.
Install this block for free by importing the project(s) from the GitHub repository linked at the top of the listing.
This is not an officially supported Google product.
This Block comes with a host of modeling, dashboards, and analysis to help:
- Track Users - Analyze user signups, retention, and engagement across all apps and segments to understand what parts of the product keep users coming back
- Identify Friction - Follow individual user event streams to identify areas of the application that lead to high conversion or cause users to drop off
- Gain a Comprehensive View of Customers - Combine Firebase events with additional data sources to get a 360 view of your users