Hyper-Local Weather & Climate Data
This is not an officially supported Google product.
Easily query hyper-local weather and climate data for the points of interest most relevant to your business — from lat/lon coordinates to geographically bounded areas such as ZIP or Postal Code, Census tract, designated market area, metropolitan statistical area, and more.
Take Weather Source OnPoint products for a test drive, with sample data consisting of two years of historical data, forecast data out seven days, and climatology data — all in daily format for 10,000 U.S. ZIP codes.
Easily upgrade to access any of the following:
- Historical weather data (back to the year 2000)
- Historical forecast data (back to Jan. 2015)
- Present/previous day data
- Forecast data out up to 15 days (with extended forecast out to 46 days)
- Climatology data
- Severe weather alerting
- Both hourly and daily format
Weather Source’s high-resolution OnPoint grid covers every landmass on Earth and up to 200 miles offshore. This ensures your location of interest is never more than 2.2 miles away from an OnPoint grid point.
A sampling of the analysis this Block can enable includes:
- Retail & Food Service: Analyze weather’s effects on product sales, seasonal inventory, and footfall traffic.
- Finance: Leverage weather data to find alpha and generate optimum trade signals.
- Real Estate: Monitor weather’s impact on asset locations.
- Energy: Anticipate weather anomalies and potential changes in demand.
- Logistics: Identify weather events and perils that result in delivery delays.
- Healthcare: Understand weather’s influence on emergency room and clinic visits to optimize staffing.
- Agriculture: Quantify the impact of weather on planting schedules, crop yields, and overall field performance.
- And More: Nearly every industry has some degree of weather sensitivity.