User Flow Analytics by KARTE
By Plaid
User Flow Analytics by KARTE enables users to take action to promote or discourage specific user event flows by analyzing how customers navigate your websites.
User Flow Analytics by KARTE enables users to take action to promote or discourage specific user event flows by analyzing how customers navigate your websites.
Install this block for free by importing the project(s) from the GitHub repository linked at the top of the listing.
This is not an officially supported Google product.
This block uses both individual user behavior and aggregate trends to produce qualitative insights. Here’s an example walk-through of how to the block might be used: Understand when target user events are triggered the most from event distribution analysis (Distribution PV) Select a few users based on their page view count (user_list) Drill into each session ID to observe event flows by user Develop hypotheses as to user behavior before target events Test hypotheses by referencing other users who have gone through the same steps (user_story_summary)