By Google
Google’s Block for YouTube Channel Analytics leverages the internal expertise of YouTube professionals to create a suite of rich analysis.
Google’s Block for YouTube Channel Analytics leverages the internal expertise of YouTube professionals to create a suite of rich analysis.
Install this block for free by importing the project(s) from the GitHub repository linked at the top of the listing.
Explore views, subscriptions, and retention across all video channels and audience segments to understand the content that keeps viewers coming back. In addition to all the reporting capabilities available within YouTube’s native Analytics tool, this Block offers complex, detailed analysis to understand viewer behavior at a meaningful level.
Data types and technical info:
- This Block was modeled around data from YouTube as exported using Google’s BigQuery Transfer Services.
- It models around many of the core entities in YouTube. You can find technical information on the schema in Google’s docs.
- Additional analysis, modeling logic, and custom objects should be added to help this Block meet your business needs.