YouTube Channel Analytics by Google
By Google
YouTube provides a common, accessible platform for businesses to share video content directly with individual consumers. YouTube not only helps marketing teams establish organizational brand and identity, it serve as lucrative source of revenue generation through ad sales with Google’s AdSense offering.
YouTube provides a common, accessible platform for businesses to share video content directly with individual consumers. YouTube not only helps marketing teams establish organizational brand and identity, it serve as lucrative source of revenue generation through ad sales with Google’s AdSense offering.
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This is not an officially supported Google product.
Google’s Block for YouTube Channel Analytics leverages the internal expertise of YouTube professionals to create a suite of rich analysis. Explore views, subscriptions, and retention across all video channels and audience segments to understand the content that keeps viewers coming back. In addition to all the reporting capabilities available within YouTube’s native Analytics tool, this Block offers complex, detailed analysis to understand viewer behavior at a meaningful level. A sampling of the analysis in this Block includes:
- Channel Performance Overview - get a complete picture of your channel’s performance across all of it’s content and use period-over-period analysis to identify trends in viewership
- Traffic Overview - understand viewer acquisition and retention across all referral sources and dynamically cohort different audience segments to understand what content resonates with your target viewers